091-2230-8145     |      dataprojectng@gmail.com

Topic: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards COVID-19 Infection Among Physicians and Nurses in Al-Banjadeed Hospital, Khartoum Sudan 2021-2022.

Department: EDUCATION

Amount: NGN3000

Can't pay with CARD? Pay to bank or make transfer

Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account Number: 065-6598-653

Account Name: PVEN Technologies

Bank Name: Zenith Bank

Account Number: 1225460677

Account Name: PVEN Technologies

Dollar Account

Bank Name: Zenith Bank

Account Number: 5073754443

Account Name: PVEN Technologies

Instructions after payment

Kindly send the below details to the email address or whatsapp page, confirmation will be made and your purchase will be sent to you.
1. Full Name and Location
2. Research Topic
3. Email address and Phone Number
4. Evidence of payment
